Transplanting is a widely used and important technique for both large and small farms - and even at the horticultural level. It often makes it possible to remedy or correct what has been done during planting in order to promote optimal plant development. But it is also a very specific cultivation strategy.
It is important that transplanting is done as well as possible, with care and attention, to ensure that the seedlings have the necessary nutrients and space. Bedformers and mulch-layer machine can also be used for transplanting operations.
We know that every soil has different characteristics and properties. The goal of the farmer, but also of the horticulturist, is to try to adapt to these characteristics, to use the most suitable crops for this type of soil, to place the plants (even at the transplanting stage, and not only at the planting stage) in the ideal way to promote their growth and development.
In order to carry out certain operations, it is necessary to have the appropriate tools and machinery. Cosmeco does not manufacture transplanting machines, but designs and manufactures a range of agricultural machinery that can be very useful, and in some cases essential, for seedbed preparation prior to transplanting.
Transplanting involves taking a young plant from the place where it was sown and re-planting it elsewhere-in the ground or in a larger container.
Generally, two types of transplanting are distinguished:
Although transplanting machines are not part of Cosmeco's offering, the company has a range of machines that are ideal for many different operations that complement transplanting and make it much more effective and productive. For example, baulking.
As we saw in a recent article, there are several benefits to bed forming in agriculture. These benefits apply to both planting and transplanting practices - which are actually quite similar operationally. Transplanting also proves to be very useful in horticulture.
In baulatura, "portions of the soil are scooped off to the side, causing them to flow toward the center, creating a raised mound of soil with a trapezoidal profile. These raised areas are then used to implement crops - by seeding or transplanting.
This keeps the seedlings away from the tracks of farm vehicles and also promotes lateral water runoff.
Bedshapers are capable of milling and seedbed/planting preparation in a single pass. They are the ideal solution to ensure a consistently optimal and precise cultivation process. This is the only way to achieve optimum cultivation and soil yield, giving the transplanted plants the space they need to absorb soil nutrients and avoid harmful water accumulation.
Ground mulching is a technique designed to make the most of the planting and transplanting process. Basically, a mulch layer machine covers the soil with natural or synthetic materials that leave the right amount of space for plants to grow. It is a "multipurpose" agricultural practice that has been developed especially in arid areas to conserve water.
Mulching is a very important technique in organic horticulture: in addition to pest control, it makes the soil physically and biologically more fertile. Mulching is generally carried out in the spring and autumn, at the time of sowing and transplanting, both in the kitchen garden and in the garden. This is also in preparation for the bad season, as the technique helps to protect the plants from the winter cold.
But there are many other benefits too:
Cosmeco designs and manufactures, among other types of agricultural and horticultural machinery, bedformers and plastic mulch layer machines. The company also specializes in customizing its equipment according to the customer's needs, thus offering the possibility of carrying out work according to personal needs.
As we said, Cosmeco is not in the business of making transplanters: but the machines it designs and manufactures are the ideal solution for both new seeding and transplanting operations. In fact, the bedformers and mulch layer machines designed by the company can play a crucial role in making transplanting and plant growth more effective and fruitful.
In particular, Cosmeco's bedformers are adjustable and suitable for all soil types, whether used in greenhouses or in the field. They can be used to create compact stems or seedbeds, which are useful for promoting plant development, even after transplanting. The use of Baulators makes it possible to shred and perfectly compact the soil in the stem, ensuring optimum germination and growth of all types of crops.
A unique machine has also been developed: the asparagus bedformers. It is specifically designed for the cultivation of white and green asparagus, a crop that benefits greatly from bauling. In addition to asparagus, Cosmeco's bedshapers are designed to create an ideal seedbed for many other crops such as strawberries, berries, potatoes, cassava, tubers and many others.
To get the most out of the soil, these machines can be combined with mulch layer machines to cover the soil with plastic film or other material (even biodegradable or organic, if required). In a single operation it is possible to mulch, install one or more drip wings or irrigation hoses, fertilise and weed, and spread the film by tamping it into the ground. Saving time, money and labour.
If you would like more information on bedformers and mulch layer machines, please contact us using the form in the contact us section. We will get back to you as soon as possible!