
Cosmeco gets its story across in a Sky interview

Friday, 27 March 2020

Cosmeco gets its story across in a Sky interview

Claudia Rossi at Pole Position to talk about the company's history and future projects

On March 10, during the television broadcast Pole Position, Cosmeco got its story across to Sky's microphones. The interview was released by Claudia Rossi, general manager of the company, who spoke about her role, the history and future developments in the production business. Furthermore, participating in the well-known program has allowed to underline once again the continuous growth of the company, which aims to extend its business, as it is already doing, beyond national and European borders, increasing the numbers of its export from year to year.

From 1980 to today: the story of a long history

But the subject wasn’t only the future and innovation. The interview, in fact, allowed to highlight some crucial moments in the company's history. Founded by Costantino Rossi in 1980, in 1998 it was Claudia herself who supported her father in running the company, managing it independently in recent years. Although it was born as a metal carpentry, in its path of growth the company soon entered the field of agricultural mechanization, specializing at first in the design and construction of ditchers, machines for which it is currently among the top three manufacturers in the world, and, since the 90s, in the manufacture of bedformers, film layers for low tunnels, mulch layers and numerous other horticultural equipment.

Remarkable is also the constant commitment to research and development, which has been recognized by some institutions in the agricultural field, which have decided to reward Cosmeco for the quality of the machinery offered. Among the different awards received over the years, the most important were reserved for the combined bedformer with mulch layer for melons, as well as the adjustable bedformer for the cultivation of asparagus and strawberries, machinery with a high technological level.

A small look at sustainability: Cosmeco's commitment

It is Claudia herself to reveal how the company is also attentive to the sustainability of its creations. Cosmeco, as far as possible in the working of iron and metals in general, always tries to use products with low environmental impact in the manufacture of its farming machines. The latter, thanks to the team of experts working in the company, can also be used with biodegradable products or, in any case, in organic crops.

Beyond the interview: the data of a constantly growing company

Although the broadcast revealed the company's many strengths, there is still much to discover about the Cosmeco world. An example is the information regarding the reference target, which varies from the farm to the importer, as well as from the export data: exports outside Italy can affect the turnover by about 85%, giving the company a strong international character. Starting from these bases, Cosmeco continues to plan its future through the creation of even more innovative machinery, listening to all its customers and offering them completely customized equipment, which best represent the excellence of Made in Italy, and are able to fully satisfy the different needs in every application area. To obtain such a result, in recent years the company has been involved in acquiring new and even more technological devices, which have contributed significantly to improving the construction quality of the machinery offered.

The machines to come: Cosmeco's production developments

The bet for the future, however, concerns the horticultural sector and it is precisely for this reason that Cosmeco has strengthened and expanded the construction of its bedformers. Currently, the company models, as well as for asparagus, can create adjustable and customizable seed beds also as regards the plantations of strawberries, berries and fruit plants such as blueberries, oranges and olive trees, rather than new settlement for saffron and hemp.

But to distinguish the company in the sector of reference is above all its continuous drive for innovation. Thus, even in the last year, the excellent corporate staff has been involved in developing and placing on the market a specific bedformer for asparagus, which creates large heaps of soil, as well as two mulch layers specialized in laying mulch cloth in the cultivation of blueberries.

The company, however, does not stop there and, as Claudia Rossi herself admits, a new project is already in the pipeline for the current year, which will lead to the creation of new machinery more and more performing, to better support all activities of customers and also leave its mark on their crops.

More information on company news? Here’s how to receive them from Cosmeco staff!

If after the article you want to deepen the knowledge of company products and ask for more information about mulch layers, bedformers and all other Cosmeco machines, all you have to do is access the contact section. The company will be happy to answer any questions exhaustively and in the shortest possible time.

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