
Agricultural machinery

Agricultural machinery

Advanced agricultural machinery for soil preparation and horticulture

The agricultural soil preparation and horticultural machines under the Cosmeco brand are many and versatile. From the powerful Ditchers machines, available in different models, to the innovative bed formers and practical mulching machines, through to the versatile tunnel covers: Cosmeco has developed endless solutions to provide its customers with high-quality agricultural machinery and farming machines. Complying with strict Italian and EEC regulations, Cosmeco’s products are designed to meet or even exceed the most stringent requirements of agriculture and its applications.


Rotary ditcher

Single-Double Wheel Ditchers

Rotary ditcher is designed and manufactured by Cosmeco for the excavation, control and mai...

Single wheel ditcher

Single Wheel Ditchers

The ditcher machine manufactured by Cosmeco can be used for the digging or the maintenance...

Double wheel ditcher

Double-Wheel Ditchers

Cosmeco designs and manufactures rotary double-wheel ditchers for the creation, management...

Nursery machine

Vertical ditchers

Vertical ditchers or vertical trenchers made by Cosmeco are the ideal solution for creatin...

Bed former for field preparation

Bedformers and plastic mulch layers

Bed formers are designed for the creation of compact seedbeds with any kind of soil. This ...

Agricultural ridger

Agricultural ridgers

Agricultural ridgers designed and manufactured by Cosmeco are ideal for creating small tun...

Orchard machinery

Orchard machinery

Orchard machinery designed and manufactured by Cosmeco can be used for cleaning and mainte...